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Files for the Batch of 2022-24 (only diploma) holders will not be accepted as it is notified Government of India that Registration of this batch will be done after Exit Exam. D.Pharmacy Students Seeking Registration are requested to submit new parctical training form only Attendance Sheet and Annexure A is compulsary for all New Registration candidates and only signed by Principal ANNEXURE “A” MUST BE ON LETTER HEAD OF INSTITUTION/UNIVERSITY DULY STAMPED AND SIGNED BY PRINCIPAL ONLY All students are requested that Anexure "A" (attested by principal) is compulsory with file for verification at Haryana State Pharmacy Council . Bring Anexure "A" Al students are requested that Anexure "A" (attested by principal) is compulsory with file for verification at Haryana State Pharmacy Council . Bring Anexure "A" Click here to download nomination form For elections of haryana state pharmacy council Click here to view Voter List Link - Election of Haryana State Pharmacy Council ( Year 2022 ) Timing for recieve of New Registration and Renewal is 10.00 am to 1.30 pm public dealing (document verification for new registration ) will start according to the schedule given here-Monday- Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Charkhi dadri, Fatehabad . Tuesday - Gurugram, Hisar, Jhajjar, Jind. Wednesday- Kaithal Karnal Kurukshetra Mahendergarh NUH Mewat. Thursday- Palwal Panchkula Panipat Rewari. Friday- Rohtak Sirsa Sonipat Yamuna Nagar The Office of Haryana State Pharmacy Council has shifted to SCO 208 IInd Floor Sector 14 Panchkula.

Privacy Policy

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    Privacy Policy – Haryana State Pharmacy Council, Undertaking of Government of Haryana
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    At HSPC, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by HSPC and how it is used.
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    As a general rule, this website does not collect Personal Information about you when you visit the site. You can generally visit the site without revealing Personal Information, unless you choose to provide such information.


This website records your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes -your server's address; the name of the top-level domain from which you access the Internet (for example, .gov, .com, .in, etc.); the type of browser you use; the date and time you access the site; the pages you have accessed and the documents downloaded and the previous Internet address from which you linked directly to the site

We will not identify users or their browsing activities, except when a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider's logs.


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    If you are asked for any other Personal Information you will be informed how it will be used. If at any time you believe the principles referred to in this privacy statement have not been followed, or have any other comments on these principles, please notify the concerned through the contact us page.
Note: The use of the term "Personal Information" in this privacy statement refers to any information from which your identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained.
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Head Office Haryana State Pharmacy Council
SCO 208, IInd Floor, Sector 14, Panchkula.
Ph. - 0172-2587622, 08699055894
(For Enquiry 09:30 to 13:15 & 14:15 to 16:30 only)
Email - haryanastatepharmacycouncil@gmail.com