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AFFIDEVIT FOR BATCH 2022-24 FOR DPHARMACY STUDENTS THE REGISTRATION WILL BE DONE ONLY UPTO 31.12.2025. THOSE WHO HAVE DEPOSITED THE FULL FEE THEIR FEE WILL BE ADJUSTED AFTER PASSING EXIT EXAM I.E. THE CERTIFICATE WILL BE RENEWED FOR FOUR YEARS WITHOUT FEE. FROM DATED 10.03.2025 THE COUNCIL WILL ACCEPT THE FILE FOR ADMISSION FOR THE BATCH OF 2022-24 AS PER SCHEEDULE (DISTRICT WISE) ALREADY MENTION IN THE SITE. D.Pharmacy Students Seeking Registration are requested to submit new parctical training form only Attendance Sheet and Annexure A is compulsary for all New Registration candidates and only signed by Principal ANNEXURE “A” MUST BE ON LETTER HEAD OF INSTITUTION/UNIVERSITY DULY STAMPED AND SIGNED BY PRINCIPAL ONLY Al students are requested that Anexure "A" (attested by principal) is compulsory with file for verification at Haryana State Pharmacy Council . Bring Anexure "A" Click here to download nomination form For elections of haryana state pharmacy council Click here to view Voter List Link - Election of Haryana State Pharmacy Council ( Year 2022 ) Timing for recieve of New Registration and Renewal is 10.00 am to 1.30 pm public dealing (document verification for new registration ) will start according to the schedule given here-Monday- Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Charkhi dadri, Fatehabad . Tuesday - Gurugram, Hisar, Jhajjar, Jind. Wednesday- Kaithal Karnal Kurukshetra Mahendergarh NUH Mewat. Thursday- Palwal Panchkula Panipat Rewari. Friday- Rohtak Sirsa Sonipat Yamuna Nagar
Notification Link for Notification 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Notification 1
[Extract from Haryana Government Gazette (Extra.), dated the 30th May, 1972]
Haryana Government
Health Department
The 23rd May, 1972
No. 5140-41 (B)72/16034. — In exercise of the powers conferred by section 19 and sub-section (3) of section 19-A of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (Central Act 8 of 1948) read with sub-clause(c) of clause 3 of the Panjab State Pharmacy Council (Reconstitution and Recognisations Order, 1971) the Director of Haryana hereby constitutes with effect from the 1 st May, 1971, a Council for the State of Haryana to be known as the Haryana State Pharmacy Council consisting of the following members namely:—
  1. Director, Health Services, Haryana Government
  2. State Drugs Controller, Haryana
  3. PublicAnalyst, Haryana
  4. Professor of Pharmacology, Government Medical College, Rohtak
  5. Professor of Bio-Chemistry, Government Medical College, Rohtak
  6. Dr. N.C. Chaudhary, Government Medical College, Rohtak
  7. Assistant Drugs Controller, Haryana
  8. Shri Raj Kumar, Pharmacist, Civil Hospital, Ambala
  9. Shri K.L. Sethi, Pharmacist, Rural Dispensary, Chuttur, District Karnal
  10. Shri Karam Chand, Pharmacist, Civil Hospital, Sonepat (Rohtak)
  11. ShriTirkha Ram, Pharmacist, Civil Hospital, Narnaul
  12. Shri Chanda Ram Kataria, Pharmacist, Civil Hospital, Bhiwani (Hissar)
  13. Shri Yash Pal, Dispensary, Civil Hospital, Gurgaon
  14. Shri Prem Singh, Medicine Pharmacy, Faridabad, N.I.T.
Commissioner Health and Secretary
to Government Haryana
Medical & Health Department

Notification 2
Haryana Government
Health Department
The 23rd May, 1972
No. 6464-68(B)-72/ 16087, In exercise of the powers conferred by sub¬section (7) of section 19A of the Pharmacy Act, 1948 (Central Act of 1948), the Governor of Haryana hereby nominates the Director, Health Services, Haryana and the State Drugs Controller, Haryana, to be the President and Vice-President respectively of the Haryana State Pharmacy Council.
Commissioner Health and Secretary
to Government Haryana
Medical & Health Department

6464-68(B) - 72/16087-A,. dated Chandigarh, the 23rd May, 1972 a copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to :-
  1. the Director, Health Services, Haryana, Chandigarh
  2. the State Drugs Controller and Deputy Director (Medicine) Directorate of Health Services, Haryana, Chandigarh
  3. the Registrar, Haryana State Pharmacy Council, Directorate of Health Services, Haryana, Chandigarh
  4. All the members of the Haryana State Pharmacy Council
Under Secretary Health
for Commissioner for Health and Secretary
to Government, Haryana, Medical &
Health Department

Notification 3
Haryana Government
Health Department

No. 23/4/83- 3HB II                                                                 Dated, Chandigarh, the 28th Oct. 1983

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 19 and sub section (3) of section 19-Aof The Pharmacy Act, 1948, the Governor of Haryana hereby constitutes with effects from the date of publication of this notification in official Gazette, a State Council to be known as Haryana State Pharmacy Council constituting of the following members, namely :-
  1. Director, Health Services (General) Haryana Chandigarh, (Ex-Officio)
  2. State Drug Controller Haryana, Chandigarh, (Ex-Officio)
  3. GovemmentAnalyst, Haryana, Chandigarh, (Ex-Officio)
  4. (Vacant) Member will be elected after the formation of Medical Council
  5. Shri Ram Dass Dhamija, MLA, Ambala
  6. Shri Ramesh Likha, B.S. P.B.B. Pharma, 11, Green Park, Hissar
  7. Dr.AskaranTuteja,Tuteja Medical Hall, Fatehabad
  8. Shri Mohinder Singh, S/o Shri Munsi Ram, Dinesh Medical Hall, Gohana (Panipat)
  9. Shri Inder Singh, s/o Shri Shiv Chand, R.M.P. Dholla (Jind)
  10. Shri Kishan Prop: Goyal Medical Store, Narwana, Distt. Jind
  11. Shri Bikramjit Sabharwal, Sabharwal Medical Hall, Chowk Sarafa, Karnal
  12. Shri Ramesh Chander Aghi, c/o Shri P.N. Aghi &Co. Railway Road, Rohtak
  13. Shri Bal Raj Singh, Janta Medical Hall, Bhiwani
  14. Shri Krishan Kumar Sharma s/o Shri Jagdish Sharan Sharma House No. 45/20, Shivaji Colony, Rohtak
  15. Shri Hargu Lai Sharma, s/o Shri Prithi Singh c/o Pt. Chandu Lai Engineer, Mohalla Ram Nagar, Kath Mandi, Rohtak
Commissioner & Secretary to Government
Haryana Health Department

Notification 4
Haryana Government
Health Department
The 30th November, 2007

No. 23/8/92-1 HBII
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 19 of Pharmacy Act, 1948, the Governor of Haryana hereby reconstitutes the Haryana State Pharmacy Council with the following members:—

S. N. Name of Candidate Address
(1) Elected Members
1. Shri Dhanesh Adlakha 133, Sector 9, Faridabad
2. Shri Vijay Kumar H.No. 478, Ward No. 2, Hanumangarh Road, Ellenabad (Sirsa)
3. Shri Rakesh Dahiya 47-E, 8 Maria, Sonepat
4. Shri Gurcharan Singh V. Padlu, P.O. Rawa, District Kurukshetra
5. Shri Krishan Kumar Sharma H.No. 15-C, Police Line, Narnaul, District Mohindergarh
6. Shri Raj Kumar Main Bazar, Chhachhrauli, District Yamuna Nagar
(2) Nominated Members
7. Dr. Surinder Kumar H.No. 1487/21, AdarshNagar, D-Park, Rohtak
8. Sh. Amit Nagpal S/o Sh. Ashok Nagpal M/s. Nagpal Medical Store Jahanara Chowk, Mohalla Lai Khani, Jhajjar
9. Smt. Meenu Kataria D/o Shri Bal Krishan Kataria H.No. 348, 12 Biswa, Gurgaon, Vill. Gurgaon
10. Shri Rohtas Kumar, S/o Shri Dharam Singh H.No. 916, Sector 13, Urban Estate, Kurukshetra
11. Shri Surender Jakhar Pharmacist, S/o Late Shri Ram Singh Jakhar Freedom Fighter Medical College, Rohtak
(3) Ex-officio Members
12. Director General Health Services, Haryana, Sector 6, Panchkula
13. State Drug Controller, Haryana, Panchkula
14. Government Analyst, State Drug Laboratory, Haryana Sector 11, Chandigarh

Commissioner & Secretary to Government
Haryana Health Department

Notification 5
[Extract from Haryana Government Gazette (Extra.), dated the 27th June, 2008]
Haryana Government
Health Department
The 27th June, 2008

No. 18/17/2008-1 HBI I.— In exercise of the powers conferred under section 23 of Pharmacy Act, 1948, the Governor of Haryana hereby notifies Dr. Surender Kumar Sharma, House No. 1487/21, Adarsh Nagar, D-Park, Rohtak as President of Haryana State Pharmacy Council retrospectively with effect from 24th December, 2007

Commissioner & Secretary to Government
Haryana Health Department

Notification 6
Haryana Government
Health Department

No. 18/17/2008-1 HBII                                                                     Dated Chandigarh, the 27.6.2008

In exercise of the powers conferred under section 23 of Pharmacy Act, 1948, the Governor of Haryana hereby notifies Dr. Surender Kumar Sharma, House No. 1487/21, Adarsh Nagar, D-Park, Rohtak as President of Haryana State Pharmacy Council retrospectively with effect from 24.12.2007.

Commissioner and Secretary to Government Haryana Health Department

Endst No. 18/17/2008-1 HBII                                                           Dated Chandigarh, the 27.6.2008

Acopy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :-
  1. Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana (in Political Branch)
  2. Director General Health Services, Haryana, Sector-6, Panchkula
  3. Registrar, Haryana State Pharmacy Councill, SCO, No. 87, Sector-4, Panchkula
  4. Dr. Surender Kumar Sharma, President, Haryana State Pharmacy Council, SCO. No. 87, Sector-4, Panckula
  5. All members of Haryana State Pharmacy Council o/o Registrar, Haryana State Pharmacy Council, SCO. No., 87 Sector-4, Panchkula
Deputy Secretary Health
for Commissioner and Secratary to Government
Haryana Health Department

EndstNo. 18/17/2008-/HB                                                           Dated Chandigarh, the 27.6.2008 A copy of the above is forwarded to the Controller, Printing & Stationery Haryana, Chandigarh with the request that this notification may please be published in Haryana Government Gazette (extra ordinary) and 200 copies of this notification may please be supplied to this Department.

Deputy Secretary Health
for Commissioner and Secratary to Government
Haryana Health Department

Notification 7
[Extract from Haryana Government Gazette (Extra.), dated the 3rd March, 2014]
Haryana Government
Health Department
The 3rd March, 2014

No. 23/8/92-1 HBII
In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 19 of Pharmacy Act, 1948, the Governor of Haryana hereby reconstitutes the Haryana State Pharmacy Council with the following members:—

S. N. Name of Candidate Address
(1) Elected Members
1. Sh. Dhanesh Adlakha #133, Sector 9, Faridabad
2. Sh. Rohit Khanduja #347, Sector 9, Jagdish Colony, Ballabgarh
3. Sh. Raj Kumar Main Bazar Chhachhrauli, Yamuna Nagar
4. Sh. Yashpal VM/s Singla Cloth House, Bajal Road, Sirsa
5. Sh. Sohan Lal Kansal VPO - Kalayat, Jind
6. Sh. Krishan Chand Goyal # 693, Pram Nagar, Goyal Medical Store, Narwana
(2) Nominated Members
7. Dr. Surinder Kumar H.No. 1487/21, AdarshNagar, D-Park, Rohtak
8. Sh. Amit Nagpal S/o Sh. Ashok Nagpal M/s. Nagpal Medical Store Jahanara Chowk, Mohalla Lai Khani, Jhajjar
9. Sh. Kailash Chander Khanna S/o Late Sh. Chaman Lal Khanna VPO - Lahli, Rohtak
10. Sh. Pankaj Kumar S/o Sh. Shyam Sunder C/o Kansal Medical Hall, Fountain Chowk, Sodna, Gurgaon
11. Sh. Ved Parkash S/o Sh. Raghubir Singh # 770, Sector 1, Narnaul
(3) Ex-officio Members
12. Director General Health Services, Haryana, Sector 6, Panchkula
13. State Drug Controller, Haryana, Panchkula
14. Government Analyst, State Drug Laboratory, Haryana Sector 11-D, Chandigarh

Additional Chief Secretry to Government Haryana
Haryana Health Department
Notification 8
[Extract from Haryana Government Gazette (Extra.), dated the 16 July, 2014]
Haryana Government
Health Department
16th July, 2014

No.23/8/92-1 HBII.- In exercise of the powers conferred under section 23 of Pharmacy Act, the Governor of Haryana hereby notifies Shri Krishan Chand Goel R/o #693/17, Prem Nagar, Goyal Medical Store, Narwana as President and Shri Pankaj Kumar R/o Kansal Medical Hall, Fountain Chowk, Sohna, District Gurgaon as Vice President of the Haryana State Pharmacy Council retrospectively with effect from 2nd June, 2014.

Additional Chief Secretary to Government
Haryana Health Department

Notification 9
Notification 10
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Head Office Haryana State Pharmacy Council
SCO 208, IInd Floor, Sector 14, Panchkula.
Ph. - 0172-2587622, 08699055894
(For Enquiry 09:30 to 13:15 & 14:15 to 16:30 only)
Email - haryanastatepharmacycouncil@gmail.com